• Kantarovsky was chosen as one of the top vascular surgeons in Israel according to Israel Forbes Magazine 2015-2024.
  • He received the Outstanding Employee Award from the Israel Ministry of Health (2011).
  • He is one of the most experienced vascular surgeons treating vein problems in the country.

Dr. Kantarovsky is a graduate of the Tel-Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine in Israel. He completed his residency in general surgery at Meir General Hospital, in Kfar-Saba. During this period, he studied at, and received a Diploma in Surgery from the Sackler School of Continuing Medical Education at Tel-Aviv University.

Following certification, in general surgery in Israel, Dr. Kantarovsky spent a year and a half mastering general and trauma surgery in the Department of Surgery of Baragwanath Hospital of Soweto in South Africa. Upon his return to Israel, he completed a residency in vascular surgery in the Tel-Aviv Medical Center.

Following certification in vascular surgery, Dr. Kantarovsky held the position of Consultant, in the Vascular Surgery Department at the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera, Israel. He was in charge of the venous surgery services in the department.

Dr. Kantarovsky has undergone additional specialist training (U.K., Germany, Australia & U.S.A.) in the field of treating venous disease by surgery, endovenous laser, radiofrequency, steam, VenaSeal (glue), VTT catheter sclerotherapy and US-guided foam sclerotherapy.

He was a part of the team who first performed endovenous laser treatment in Israel, and he introduced Closure Fast RF system for treating the venous disease in Israel. Dr. Kantarovsky was one of the first physicians to apply hyperheated steam, and Glue (VenaSeal) technologies in the country. He served as an instructor of endovenous treatment modalities for treating venous disease in Israel and abroad.

Dr. Kantarovsky and his team were first in the country to use IVUS (intra-vascular ultrasound) in treating pelvic venous disorders.

Dr. Kantarovsky Clinic

Evaluation and management of varicose veins by radiofrequency, laser, glue
(VenaSeal) and VTT catheter sclerotherapy technologies, surgery & sclerotherapy.

Ultrasound evaluation specifically for varicose veins by the most experienced technologists in the country.

Treatment for leg ulcer & swollen extremities
Consultation for pelvic venous disorders.

Expert Second Opinion: If you desire a second opinion for your vascular condition


Habarzel 11 Street

Building A, 7th Floor, Suite A1

Ramat Hachayal, Tel Aviv, Israel

Appointment: +972-50-5888486 (preferably by WhatsApp)

Email: dr.kantarov@gmail.com

Dr. Kantarovsky – Vascular Surgeon


Dr. Kantarovsky is a graduate of the Tel-Aviv University Sackler School of Medicine in Israel. He completed his residency in general surgery at Meir General Hospital, in Kfar-Saba. During this period, he studied at, and was granted, a Diploma in Surgery from the Sackler School of Continuing Medical Education at Tel-Aviv University. Following certification in general surgery in Israel, Dr. Kantarovsky spent a year and a half mastering general and trauma surgery in the Department of Surgery of Baragwanath Hospital of Soweto in South Africa. Upon his return to Israel, he completed a residency in vascular surgery in the Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. Following certification in vascular surgery and to date, Dr. Kantarovsky holds the position of Consultant in Vascular Surgery in the Vascular Surgery Unit at the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera, Israel. Dr. Kantarovsky has a special interest in and has undergone additional training (U.K., Germany, Australia & U.S.A.) in the field of treating venous disease by surgery, endovenous laser, radiofrequency, steam, VenaSeal (glue), Clarivein technology and sclerotherapy. He was a part of the team who first performed endovenous laser treatment in Israel, and he introduced VNUS ClosureFast RF system for treating the venous disease in Israel. Dr. Kantarovsky was one of the first physicians to apply hyperheated steam, Clarivein and Glue (VenaSeal) technologies in the country. He served as an instructor of endovenous treatment modalities for treating venous disease in Israel and abroad. Dr. Kantarovsky and his team were first in the country to use IVUS in treating pelvic venous disorders. He also has vast experience in dealing with arterial occlusive disease in extremities (including diabetic foot) and neck (cerebrovascular disease), and creating vascular access for hemodialysis. Dr. Kantarovsky is a member of the Israel Vascular Surgery Society and American College of Phlebology. Outstanding Employee Award – Israel Ministry of Health (2011) & was chosen as one of the top vascular surgeons in Israel according to Israel Forbes Magazine 2015-2019

Work address
Vascular Surgery Unit

Hillel Yaffe Medical Center

P.O. Box 169, Hadera 38100, Israel


Email: vascular@hy.health.gov.il
Mobile: +972-50-6246839 



Private Clinic


– Evaluation and management of varicose veins by radiofrequency, laser, steam, glue (VenaSeal) and Clarivein technologies, surgery & sclerotherapy

Treatment for leg ulcer & swollen extremities

 Pelvic venous disorders treatment using IVUS – intra-vascular ultrasound

Procedures for the prevention of stroke: Carotid artery surgery

Saving limbs Threatened by Atherosclerosis & Diabetes: Evaluation, advice & bypass procedures to improve circulation

Expert Second Opinion: If you desire a second opinion for your vascular condition